Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Twitter's in-line media goes live with iTunes, Instagram

Twitter today switched on its promised integration of in-line media playback. The feature now enables iTunes previews on Twitter from those sharing links as well as from 19 other partners, including others previously limited to native apps. Instagram will leave its iOS app for the first time and show photos shared with Twitter sharing turned on.Also among the highlights are full song playback from Rdio when shared by subscribers. Blip.tv's independent video shows, Dipdive's artistic projects and SlideShare presentations. Flickr, Ustream and YouTube were already expected and provide photos and videos. More partners are coming in the next few months, Twitter said.
The demands for the plugins depend on the nature of the content, but Apple uses web standards while others will use Flash when relevant. Most mobile apps don't support or already handle in-line media.

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