Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sharp Japan to bring 3-D smart phones to U.S. in 2011

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� Sharp Japan to bring 3-D smart phones to U.S. in 2011

Dec 7, 2010 5:38 PM

Sharp Japan plans to bring its glasses-free, auto-stereoscopic 3-D Android-based smart phones to the United States in 2011. The Galapagos 003SH and Galapagos 005SH, both of which run on Android 2.2 and have 3.8in displays with 800 x 400 resolution, were both recently introduced in Japan on the SoftBank Mobile network. The two Galapagos phones are based on Qualcomms 1GHz Snapdragon processor and include WiFi and assisted GPS. The 003SH features a 9.6-megapixel camera and shoots 720p video. The 005SH features a QWERTY keyboard and an 8-megapixel camera. Sharp may also introduce its 3-D Lynx handset to the U.S. market. In the Japanese market, Sharp made seven 3-D movies, including Shrek 3D, as well as seven 3-D games, available for mobile consumers.

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